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Quint Contemporary Art is pleased to present "A Rich Fantasy Life” 
an exhibition of new paintings by New York artist Ryan McGinness
This will be Ryan McGinness’s second solo exhibition at Quint Contemporary Art, in which the gallery is delighted to exhibit McGinness’s largest works to date.


McGinness’s work consists of an amalgam of icons and symbols. It incorporates strong social commentary on iconography, language, and historical and contemporary symbolism. His graphic drawings and personal iconography are replicated, recontextualized, and materialized infinitely throughout his densely-layered paintings. The Museum of Modern Art in New York, The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and The Saatchi Collection have recently acquired works by McGinness.


In 1999, McGinness received critical acclaim for his first book Flatnessisgod, and since then eight additional books of his works have been published. Rizzoli published his most recent, book Installationview in the fall of 2005. Quint Contemporary Art is thrilled to launch the artist’s tenth book (also titled A Rich Fantasy Life) with a book signing at the gallery on May 19th.


“In the past decade, McGinness has become an art star, thanks to his Warholian mix of pop iconography and silk-screening.” – New York Times


“An unusual marriage of abstraction and representation.” – Art News

“McGinness has mastered and integrated a seemingly infinite variety of visual languages, producing works that inhabit the ever-blurred border between high art and popular illustration.” – Art Forum